So it's been almost a year since my last post...oops! A lot has happened since then and my husband and I are so in love with the new addition to our family.
JD entered the world at 11:26am on April 11. He was 7lbs, 10oz and 18.5 inches long.

I want to recap what I can from the hospital so that one day JD can read about how he came in to the world.
It was a very exciting morning for the two of us. JD was a "Frank's breech" baby so we checked into the hospital for the scheduled c-section around 9:00 that morning. They brought me into the operating room around 10:50 where they prepped me for surgery. What I remember (it's been a few weeks), they gave me the numbing meds via spinal cord- key words were bend forward like a shrimp it will feel like a bee sting. Needless to say that was the most horrible bee sting I have ever felt but within minutes my toes were tingling and I was strapped down to the table. They did the catheter (my favorite part as I was up every 10 minutes to pee!), draping over my head and pulled the tools over at this time is when Clint entered the room. He was a hot mess- he was so excited that he was crying. I thought he was worried about me, I remember reassuring him that I was OK. The anesthesiologist let us know that they had started and she would tell Clint when he could stand up and watch. I felt no pain but a lot of pressure and the moment they told Clint he could stand up I remember being able to take a deep breath and feeling the loss of pressure from the inside. The smile on Clint's face as JD arrived is something I will never forget. Clint said that when he stood up they pulled him out butt first and as they turned him over he pee'ed everywhere! They brought him over to the warmer and checked all his vitals. I am, of course, still on the table and looking over at my sweet baby boy. He was crying, feet and hands were blue but what a cute little thing he was. After he was wrapped up they handed him to Clint to carry to the nursery for cleaning and weighing. Clint was so excited that he started to walk out of the delivery room, the nurse had to ask him if he was going to show me our baby!

So now that Clint and JD were gone Dr. Kim had the ever so fun task of putting me back together. What I did not like was that I had nothing to distract me from what the doctor was doing. Next time I will have to bring music! There was lots of pushing and I started to feel sick. I was given an injection in the arm to make the uterus shrink and the anesthesiologist also gave me something to help with the nausea and to calm my nerves- I liked that medicine! Don't remember to much following that other than being in the recovery room and the nurses pushing on my belly, OUCH! I know that once I could wiggle my toes that they brought me back to my room where I got to finally hold JD in my arms for the first time.

Now, there are pictures of me holding him but I really don't remember actually getting him. Funny what medicine does to you. I do know that day 1, I was really itchy, breast feeding was harder than I thought, and cuddling with JD was awesome! I was hungry but could not keep anything down and as soon as I was given pain meds I would start going in and out of sleep, even in mid sentence. That night I ate ice chips and JD slept on my belly just as he did when he was inside. It was fun to see him move and finally know what he was doing inside of me! Day 2- I was finally getting the hang of things and got to get up and walk around. The hospital had a dinner for Clint and I that evening, complete with table cloth and battery operated candle! I ate a lot that day! Friday AM, Dr. Kim came in and said I was free to head home!

Our car ride home was so precious - I sat in the back with baby, he was sooo tiny in the seat and we stopped at Baby Beach to put JD's feet in the sand. Clint was worried about the sun...we had absolutely no idea about anything...funny how things have changed in 15 short weeks!