Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have now spent 76 consecutive days in the state of Hawaii. This morning while looking through Face Book I came across a video - Gary P Nunn singing "What I like about Texas"- the video just shows pictures of Texas and lots of Lone Star Beer.  To tell you the truth, it left me a bit home sick.

Thursday night, college football season starts.  Besides seeing the Bluebonnets in April, I think football season in Texas is my favorite time of year.  Friends gathered around TV's in local dives, backyards and living rooms. The smell of BBQ in the air- the tiny bit of crisp cool air that surrounds and brings a promise that winter and the dreaded "cedar season" is on the way.  Being able to wear my A&M jersey with a mini skirt and boots- getting a nice sunburn at the game and then heading over to Northgate for a cold beer- yummm.  OK since we will be back in October I am thinking if we have sometime we might need to go to a game.

I think Texans as a whole are football fanatics.  Friday nights is all about our high school teams, Saturday our favorite college teams and all day Sunday is about our pro teams.  I think I am going to be a football widow at church again- especially if the Cowboys are playing!

Here is to a great season in a new place- we will find a way to see the Big12 play! Gig'em Aggies and good luck to Garret Gilbert at Texas!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday blues...

Got a really bad case of the "Monday Blues"- I'd rather be playing today instead of working. So I am sorry if my usual optimistic out look on life is a bit off today- hoping that a workout and Tuesday make it go away! It is 10:15 and so far I have checked e-mail, sent e-mail proposal and a request for new business cards, this time with the correct phone number on it.  I have also combed the Pacific Biz journal looking for the Almighty Leads- not much to be found.  So as soon as my conference call at 11:30 is over and the iphone has completed its new software upload I will be on the road in Maui looking for the next customer of Alert Alarm!  OK yes with a positive face and outlook.

i-phone....Love it and at the same time I hate it.  Why does it take 65 minutes to load the software?? I guess Apple feels that we have nothing better to do in our day than to wait on an i-phone update. Urg!

Think I might make a run over to the book store and get the latest copy of National Geographic as there is a really cool story of DNA study with King Tut and his family.  They were talking about it on Fox News this morning.  I really need to listen to positive stuff in the morning, my blood was boiling before I left for work. Maybe instead of Monday Blues it is a case of woke up on the wrong side of the bed....  :)

Clint and I did have a pretty busy weekend.  Saturday we slept in till 7:45- new record! Did our shopping at Walmart, Kmart (return items), and Costco. Picked up Michelle and went to Tasty Crust for breakfast and then to the swap meet.  Trip back to Lahaina where I made Michelle do her laundry and then made her flash cards for school.  I hope to be able to use them later ;)!   Cowboys game on, LT game on the computer and the AC out....it was a bit hot! We put Michelle back on the bus and headed over to Amigos for some Mexican.  There was this guy playing in there...funny A UOO GAAAA!  Interesting take on a few songs.  Sunday was nice as well- Michelle walked over from the bus stop- we went to church, great message on worrying, and then we ate breakfast for Ohana Sunday, went to the beach and back home for Clint to do his draft. Good thing because Michelle cannot take too much sun! That girl turns red! We topped last night off with the owners pot luck and the most delicious coconut pie I have ever had!

I am praying that the rest of the day turns out for the better and that I get out of this funk!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Just Another Day

Just made a quick stop at Long's Drug store, was out of lip liner. While I was there and still not able to move my arms very well I also purchased some "Sore Muscle Rub".  My poor boss is going to have to do his ride along with a girl who smells like an old lady- oh well, I feel better! Another, really strange, thing is my right arm is swollen, never have had this happen before. Lets Google it... OK people who have also had swollen arms from working out the consensus is to RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate for those of you who might have thought I was talking about food).  Here is the dilemma- I have 2 more days of workouts then rest.  Not kidding, even though yesterdays WOD was tough I am going back!

Yesterdays workout....seriously.....
500 squats  (total)
50 sit ups    each
500 push ups  (total)
Run to the Noodle (as a group)
100 lunges   each
50 sit ups each
Run to the Noodle

Ok so I finished 4th out of 7 and did not feel bad...just tired.

So I was not able to complete everything on yesterday post (had to pick up the boss) so I am going to continue with what transpired through the end of Thursday.

After riding with my boss all day- pleasant experience, really, he is a nice guy- I of course went home.  Did a second stop at Long's Drugs. This time for ice packs.  I purchased a wrapping gel cool pack and also one that is placed into the freezer.  Right arm was wrapped before class to see if it would help.  I swear that my elbows were as big as my knees- freaky!  What in the world! Took off the bandage and headed over to the sweat box where I stretched and stretched. WOD 3 minutes as many KB push press as possible then 3 minutes of as many OH squats as possible.  Not to bad hummm my arm seems larger!

After quick shower made a quick trip to our hang out for a beer and some hula sticks (chicken in BBQ sauce, served with toothpicks) and headed back home.  Clint helped me wrap the gel around my right arm and then helped me tie the ice pack on the other- 30 minutes later  ice off and I am in bed.  I am very happy to report that this morning swelling is MUCH less and movement is MUCH greater so I am teaching a spin class at noon.

I want to figure out what part of Monday's workout made me so sore, upright row, straight press....thinking it was the assisted pull ups.  No worries though I will do it again. I love this stuff!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Day

As today begins I am once again extremely sore. Good news is I am walking as it is my arms that are in pain- why is it so hard to straighten them?
Mid July after being in Maui for about a month Clint stumbled upon Crossfit- he did a workout and decided that I would also love it.  Little did he know that I not only would love it, that I would get upset when I can't go or he does not go with me. 
For years I have been a gym rat, 5'2" weighing somewhere between 115-125, depending on the time of month or if my Thyroid decided to get out of whack.  I have taught spin classes since '98, was a PE teacher and coach and even had personal trainers to keep me motivated. I have always shown improvement and then would plateau, get bored and complain- I need constant change with my workouts....I think it might have ADHD, those who know me will probably agree. I guess you could say I have always been in the search of the perfect always changing workout, that challenged me and (God help me) did not have to last an hour! July 20, 2010 was the day.
Let me just say...the first week of Crossfit I really did not think I was going to make it. I could barely walk, pick up 15lbs and most certainly needed assistance with sitting....ANYWHERE!  Snaches, burpies, jerks, kettle bell...you want me to do WHAT and lift....are you crazy? I have a BS in Kinesiology - Crossfit was a whole new language, a whole new way to work out. 
After the first week of these workouts - I am like most women - I have to make sense of why I am doing this and why are we going to move this way. I started to question: "Is this going to be like Algebra...you learn it now so that someday you might use it?" " Am I doing this because I am almost 35?"  I have to admit I am using it- doing a deadlift to pick up a case of Diet Mountain Dew to move into the kitchen and yes I want to be in great shape so that Clint and our future kids can be proud of me and use me as an example as I do with my paternal grandmother.
So here I am in week 6 of Crossfit- this is what I know. I have gained muscle weight and have held 119 for 4 weeks. I can now deadlift in practice 115lbs, 5x (can't wait for 1 rep max testing), I have NO problem doing a snatch and push press with 55lbs and have even gone up to 65lbs.  I still loath running, but do it and that 15lb Kettle Bell is in my past.  I know what snaches, burpies and jerks are.  While these are the hardest workouts I have ever done I enjoy it, seeing my sweet man work out with me is a bonus and the good it is doing for our bodies will still allow us to eat what we want (Anthony will love that comment). So at our usual time tonight I will be in the sweat box, complaining but enjoying every minute when it is all over!