Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hump Day at Aina Nalu

Let me just first say I kicked FRANS ass yesterday! It was my first time doing that workout- gonna hopefully raise my weight and lower my time...the next time we tackle her!

Now for the Aina Nalu.  I have a love, hate with her.  I love our "for the time being" place- but the loudness of it is getting to me.  I am so happy when some people leave and go home, for instance the screaming kid from last week. I did not think any kid could cry so Hawaii.  My other beef are the baby coconuts that are falling from the trees and denting up the cars.  Hello! They are larger than giant acorns- just waiting to be knocked out by one on my way in the door! That would really hurt and quite honestly be funny at the same time.  I have already told the front office who does not seem concerned. Last and the least we have a new parking monitor at night. This person is an idiot!  They have left a note on my car the last 3 days. Monday- please go to the office you have an invalid parking permit. What? I paid $100 bucks- the office gave it to me. Tuesday- another note, you have a counterfeit parking pass.  Seriously? Office adds some numbers to the pass.  Wednesday- another note...this time Clint is going to the office to take care of it.  I think this parking person needs to be hit with a baby coconut!  We have one more month, 30 days and we will be in our new home! Breathe slowly until then.... and I will keep feeding kitty cat.

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